Friday, January 21, 2011

Look what I found FRIDAY!

Okay mommas, all of us are on board for saving money, right? That's why I love this blogger who is all about Thrift Shop Glam. She decorates by sprucing up garage sale and DI finds. Totally down my alley! So, she was doing a linky party about Look what I found Friday, where her followers share their great finds. I had to play cause just look at these BEAUTS! None of the thrift stores around me had any windows, and it's not really yard sale season. Antique stores had poor selection at high prices, so I decided to call an actual window company. I got four of these windows out of their junk pile for 15$ total. Ka-ching! Here's the best part: I only wanted 2 so I sold the other two for 25 bucks! Ah, it was a beautiful day. Lead paint? probably. Just what I was looking for? Most Def. Brag worthy? I think so. Happy husband? Bonus! My question is, am I required to strip and repaint these on account of possible lead paint issues? Or can I use them as is, with maybe a seal coat?